美國公民及移民服務局交流會議 | USCIS Chinese Language Session

美國公民及移民服務局於2012年 10月 18日星期四,東岸紐約時間下午2:00至 3:30,將以中文舉辦一場全國性多種語言的交流會議。每場交流會議,移民局代表人員將會講解一個與移民或公民有關的主題,解釋相關的法律規定及需要的申請表格,但無法提供法律諮詢,或個別申請案件的資訊。

10月 18日舉行的「與您交流」會議,移民局代表人員將講解及討論「如何為直系親屬申請移民」。我們將現場轉播這場在移民局紐約辦事處舉行的交流會議。您可以親自到移民局紐約辦事處參加,或打電話1-888-989-4980聆聽, (會議代碼為「交流」),也可以上網http://www.uscis.gov/jiaoliu 看現場轉播。


您若需要更詳盡的資料,請以電子郵件與移民局公共關係處聯繫。公關處的電子郵址為 Public.Engagement@uscis.dhs.gov,請以英文「Jiao liu」為郵件主題。您也可以到www.uscis.gov/jiaoliu網站查詢,或到Twitter in Chinese (@uscis), 或YouTube (/uscis) 或美國移民局的部落格The Beacon追隨最新資訊。


On Thursday, October 18, from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm (Eastern Standard Time), USCIS will conduct a national Chinese-language engagement (Jiao liú) as part of our ongoing series of multilingual public engagements.  Each Jiao liú focuses on an immigration-related topic and includes a presentation and Q&A session with USCIS officials.  During the sessions, USCIS spokespersons provide explanations of the law, regulations and forms, but do not offer legal advice or provide case specific information.

Our next national Jiao liú session will provide information on how to petition for an immediate relative.  The event will be broadcast live from our New York District Office and stakeholders may participate in person, via teleconference by calling 1-888-989-4980 (password: Jiao liú), or via live Web stream at http://www.uscis.gov/jiaoliu.

USCIS looks forward to your participation.  Please feel free to forward this information to those with interest in this important event.

For further information on this event, please email us at Public.Engagement@uscis.dhs.gov and enter the word “Jiao liu” in the subject line.  You may also visit us at http://www.uscis.gov/jiaoliu, follow us on Twitter in Chinese (@uscis), YouTube (/uscis), or the USCIS blog The Beacon.