A letter from Summit County ADM Support Committee:
Are you up for the challenge?
On Saturday, May 18, the ADM Recovery Challenge, a Subway Series 5K obstacle course event, will bring together runners, competitors, and individuals and families who are looking for a fun way to support the County of Summit Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health (ADM) Services Board. Just as individuals in recovery from mental illness and addictions face obstacles, so too will people who take on this challenge. The course involves running/walking, climbing, crawling, balancing and maneuvering your way through the trees, fields and grounds of the scenic Interval Brotherhood Home (IBH) property near the Portage Lakes.
The event is $25 per person for ages 12+ (timed with computer chips) and $15 for participants ages 5-11 (staggered start after timed participants). Proceeds will benefit the Summit County ADM Support Committee, Inc., in its future levy campaign activities on behalf of the County of Summit ADM Services Board.
Registration information for the ADM Recovery Challenge can be found at www.admboard.org, the ADM Recovery Challenge page on Facebook, or at the RS Racing Systems website at http://www.rsracingsystems.com/search/event.aspx?id=17111
Volunteers are also needed to assist with all aspects of the race including course set up, registration, monitoring obstacle areas, assisting event participants, and clean up. An orientation meeting for all volunteers will be held at IBH on May 13. For more information on volunteer opportunities visit the ADM Recovery Challenge Facebook page or contact Jackie Steward at the ADM Board at 330-762-3500.
The County of Summit ADM Board is responsible for planning, funding, monitoring and evaluating treatment and prevention services for people who experience alcoholism, drug addiction and/or mental illness. The ADM Board does not provide any direct service, but contracts with local agencies including (insert your agency name and other ADM agencies you work with) to provide quality, affordable services for people at critical times in their lives. Approximately __% of (your agency)’s budget comes through a contract(s) with the ADM Board.
More than 75% of the ADM Board’s system resources come from a property tax levy approved by Summit County voters. In November 2013 voters will be asked to support the renewal of that levy. It is through those levy dollars that people can access effective services and supports.
Thanks to strong community support, Summit County residents have a comprehensive array of services and supports available to them through the ADM Board system.
Click here for the program handout.
Click here for the event flyer.