January 28, 2013
Rekha Radhakrishnan
4753 N. Broadway St. Ste. 502
Chicago, IL 60640
P: (773) 271-0899 x215
E: rradhakrishnan@aaichicago.org
AAI Applauds Senate on Prioritizing Bipartisan Immigration Reform
CHICAGO, IL-Asian American Institute (AAI), a member of Asian American Center for Advancing Justice, applauds the US Senate on prioritizing immigration reform in a bipartisan manner, and looks forward to learning more about the details as they unfold. Among the many tenets of the proposal, AAI is pleased to learn that a pathway to legal citizenship is being offered, especially to DREAMers, a group that has fought valiantly for citizenship for a long time. AAI is especially pleased with the leadership of Illinois Senator and Majority Whip Dick Durbin, who has championed immigration reform throughout his tenure in the Senate. “Illinois has been at the forefront of the debate on immigration reform, both from an activist perspective as well as an institutional one. We are excited to see meaningful options laid out, and look forward to working with our local and national partners to address these proposals within our community,” said AAI executive director Tuyet Le.
The Asian American community in Chicago is deeply affected by immigration policy. 64% of Asian Americans in Chicago are foreign-born, far outpacing any other racial group in the area. An estimated 142,000 Asian Americans have sought legal permanent resident status from 2000-2010 making all issues pertaining to immigration critical for the community. Some of the features of reform that community members have cited as especially important are: family reunification, pathway to citizenship, visa reform, and immigrant integration.
AAI looks forward to the evolving policy debates on immigration and a humane plan that respects families.
The Asian American Institute (www.aaichicago.org) is one of the leading pan-Asian nonprofit organizations in the Midwest, dedicated to empowering the Asian American community through advocacy, by utilizing research, education, and coalition-building. The Asian American Institute, Asian American Justice Center, Asian Law Caucus, and Asian Pacific American Legal Center are members of the Asian American Center for Advancing Justice.