For immediate release
May 16, 2012
Press contact: Deborah Wang (330) 645-5805;
ASIA distributes food & clothing to Cleveland, Lakewood refugee families
CLEVELAND – Asian Services In Action (ASIA) distributed goods from its Third Annual Food & Clothing Drive on Friday, May 11th, 2012. Ninety-seven households visited ASIA’s Cleveland office over three-and-a-half hours, where ASIA staff distributed 4,000 pounds of canned goods, rice, fresh produce, clothing, toys, and personal hygiene products.
Drive beneficiaries included African, Bhutanese, and Burmese refugees from Cleveland and Lakewood. “This event is so good,” said refugee Ah Ree Paw to Program Assistant Paw Pree, who came to the United States as a refugee herself.  Another participant, Mu Khu Wah, added, “The diapers were a good thing to get. Helped us a lot.”
ASIA would like to thank Community West Foundation for its continuous support of our food and clothing drive, as well as the generous community members who donated to the drive.
Click here to see more photos from ASIA’s 3rd Annual Food & Clothing Drive.
Asian Services In Action
Founded in 1995, Asian Services In Action’s mission is to empower Asian American and Pacific Islanders in Northeastern Ohio to access quality, culturally, and linguistically appropriate information and services. ASIA serves over 8,000 people annually. Follow ASIA on Facebook and Twitter!
Community West Foundation
The mission of Community West Foundation is to advance the health and well being of our community. The Foundation is a local philanthropic and grant making organization dedicated to supporting organizations that provide the basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, and medical care to the most needy in and around Western Cuyahoga County.