ICEP Volunteer Honored at Akron Global Youth Awards

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Ler Lar Shi with Kim Helms, ICEP Program Coordinator and Kelly Le, ICEP Program Assistant

The 2016 Global Youth Awards Service Day, which recognizes youth for their many hours of volunteerism to area non-profit organizations, took place on April 13, 2016.

Ler Lar Shi, a former ICEP student and now volunteer, was honored for her outstanding volunteerism for the ICEP program. Ler invested over 83 hours to the ICEP program this past year.

Present at the awards ceremony was Mayor of Akron, Daniel Horrigan, and Judge Linda Teodosio of the Summit County Juvenile Court.

For information on volunteering with the ICEP program, contact Kitty Leung, Manager of CYF Department (, (216) 881-0330 Ext. 8812).

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