Faces of Chinatown Opening Reception: September 14, 2012 (English and 中文)

3631 Perkins Ave., Ste. 2A-W
Cleveland, OH 44114

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For more information, contact:
Luanne Bole-Becker; 216.496.5875; Bbvideo@sbcglobal.net

Award-winning Artists
Collaborate with Cleveland’s Chinatown Families

OPENING EVENTS—Sept. 14-15, 2012

Cleveland – Today’s Asia Town is a vibrant and diverse neighborhood that reflects its roots in Cleveland’s historic Chinatown.  This fall you’ll have the opportunity to journey along Chinatown streets through the memories and scenes of several original Chinese families and institutions.

In September, Faces of Chinatown opens in Asian Town Center’s 2nd floor gallery, in the heart of Asia Town, 3820 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, 44114.  (Click here to see a preview of the exhibit.)

Faces of Chinatown is an extensive photography exhibit capturing the evolution of Cleveland’s Chinatown.  The opening reception features exhibit collaborators and Chinatown family members George Kwan Jr. and Lisa Wong on Fri., Sept. 14, from 6-9pm.  The next day—Sat., Sept. 15, from 11am-6pm—is a featured stop on the SPARX City Hop.  (The City Hop draws 25,000 patrons annually to galleries, studios, restaurants, and retail shops citywide.)  Faces of Chinatown continues through Oct. 14 during Asian Town Center’s business hours, 9am–8pm daily.

Beginning in the 1930s, Cleveland’s Chinatown—located on Rockwell Avenue between East 21st and East 24th Street—was the hub of the Chinese community.  Descendants of some of these early settlers—including the Chan, Fong, Kwan, Louie, and Wong families—still live in the greater Cleveland area and participated in the creation of this exhibit.  The exhibit is designed to travel, and will include showings throughout 2013 as part of Chinese New Year and the Asian Festival.

The exhibit combines the contributions of several award-winning artists.  Photographer Steve Cagan captured current day images, which are combined with historical images provided by local families, as well as selected images from the Cleveland Press Collection at Cleveland State University Library.  Emmy-winning video producers Luanne Bole-Becker and Bob Becker organized the exhibit, choosing photos and creating text from research and videotaped oral histories.  Graphic artist Katie Major arranged the completed panels.

Faces of Chinatown is a project of Asian Services in Action (ASIA), with partial funding provided by Cuyahoga Arts & Culture.  ASIA receives public support with local tax dollars from Cuyahoga Arts & Culture, to preserve and enrich our region’s artistic and cultural heritage. The St. Clair Superior Development Corporation and Margaret Wong & Associates provided additional project support.

Founded in 1995 by four Asian immigrant women, the mission of ASIA is to empower and advocate for Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders (AAPIs); and to provide AAPIs access to quality, culturally, and linguistically appropriate information and services.  For more information about the exhibit, please contact 216-881-0330 or bbvideo@sbcglobal.net.



 將於2012年9月 14-15日舉行開幕活動

克利夫蘭市– 今日的亞洲城是一個充滿著活力和多元化的社區,並反映出其起源自克利夫蘭市極具歷史意義的中國城。在今年的秋天,您將有機會藉由一些原住在中國城的中國家庭及機構所提供的回憶和當年景況,讓您能體會如置身在中國城的街道中漫步遊走,同時感受到中國城的歷史變遷。

唐人街面面觀特展  將訂於九月中,在位於亞洲城中心點之亞洲城市中心的二樓畫廊舉行揭幕,地點是3820 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, 44114。

唐人街面面觀特展  是一項內容豐富的攝影展覽,藉由照片以捕捉隨著時間演變中的克里夫蘭中國城。 開幕酒會訂於9月14日(週五) 晚上的6時至9時舉行,會中將會特別介紹此次展覽的合作夥伴和中國城家庭成員,George Kwan Jr. 及Lisa Wong。 在開幕的次日,9月15日(週六) 從上午11時至下午6時,本展覽將會是市區自由上下街車(SPARX City Hop) 所特別介紹的一處特色站點。 (每年有25,000位民眾搭乘市區自由上下街車(City Hop) 往返於市區各處的畫廊,工作室,餐館及零售商店。)唐人街面面觀特展  將會持續在亞洲城市中心展出至10月14日,展覽時間是從每天的上午9時至晚上8時。

克利夫蘭中國城是位於東21街和東24街之間的Rockwell Avenue 上,從20世紀的30年代開始逐漸成為中國社區的樞紐。 其中一部分早期的移民包括Chan,Fong, Kwan,Louie,和Wong等家庭的後代子孫仍然居住在大克里夫蘭地區,並參與和促成本次展覽。本展覽是採取隨處展出的機動性設計,並將包括2013全年展出以作為中國新年和亞洲藝術節的一部分。.

此次展覽結合了多位獲獎藝術家的精品力作。攝影師Steve Cagan 用鏡頭擷取現今中國城的瞬間景像,並融入當地家庭所提供的歷史圖片,及從克利夫蘭州立大學圖書館所珍藏的Cleveland Press中所挑選出的資料圖片,用以表達其眼中的中國城。曾獲艾美獎的影片製作人Luanne Bole-Becker和Bob Becker,從歷史考證和口述歷史的錄影帶中挑選出各類照片,並編撰文稿而構思完成此次的展覽。平面設計師Katie Major負責安排整合小組之職。

唐人街面面觀特展  是由亞洲民眾服務協會(ASIA)所舉辦的一項活動,並由Cuyahoga藝術與文化部門提供部分的資金。 亞洲民眾服務協會(ASIA) 是經由獲得Cuyahoga藝術及文化部門的經費支助,用以保存本地區的藝術和文化遺產並使其更加豐富。 St.Clair Superior Development Corporation和Margaret Wong & Associates亦為本活動提供額外的支援。

亞洲民眾服務協會(ASIA) 是由四位亞裔移民女士於1995年所創立,其宗旨是為幫助亞裔/太平洋島民(AAPIs) 了解及維護其所被賦予的權力,以及在文化上,語言上為亞裔/太平洋島民(AAPIs)提供優質及適當信息和服務之途徑。有關本展覽的更多資訊,請聯繫216-881-0330bbvideo@sbcglobal.net


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