A message from the Federation of Indian Community Associations of NE Ohio (FICA):
Dear Friends and Leaders of Indian-American Community:
“For a fourth consecutive year, FICA has pledged to donate $500 to The Diversity Center of Northeast Ohio toward their very important educational programs. As you know, The Diversity Center of Northeast Ohio is a human relations organization dedicated to eliminating bias, bigotry, and racism in our communities.
“Since 2002, The Diversity Center has partnered with The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum to host the walk and run for more than 5,000 participants to celebrate diversity. All proceeds support The Diversity Center’s School & Youth initiatives in nine Northeast Ohio counties.
“If we pause for just a couple of minutes, and reflect on: 1) the positions that we are fortunate enough to occupy today in this society; 2) the fact that we can today, in spite of our non-Caucasian appearances and identities, walk with our heads held high; 3) that a man by the unusual name, and dark skin color, of Barack Obama is the president of this nation; we must acknowledge that all this happened because of many efforts undertaken like the one by the Diversity Center of NE Ohio. Join us in strengthening all social progresses that have been achieved so far, and ensure that this nation never goes back to horrifying past days of bias, bigotry, discrimination and racism.
“Please support this very worthy cause, by sponsoring us and other walkers from the Indian community, with your generous tax deductible donations to FICA. Your donation and presence at the Walk will be a tremendous statement , and amount donated will be donated to impact educational initiatives about diversity. Register to walk or run and receive free entry into The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, Great Lakes Science Center, and The Baseball Heritage Museum on the day of the event, besides refreshments, family activities, music, and more!. Additionally, Sponsorships of over $10 directly to FICA will receive a Free FICA T-Shirt; please pre-register by sending an email to thewalk-2012@usa.net.”