VAWA Reintroduced – Take Action Today by Contacting Your Senators!

Adapted from the January 24, 2013 announcement from the National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence Against Women

On Wednesday, January 23, 2013, Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Senator Michael Crapo (R-ID) introduced S. 47, a strong, bipartisan bill that would reauthorize the landmark Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)! This bill closely mirrors the bipartisan legislation introduced by Senators Leahy and Crapo last Congress and would improve VAWA programs and strengthen protections for all victims of violence (see description of legislation below).

In order to continue momentum from last Congress, Americans need to take action TODAY by contacting their Senators to co-sponsor S. 47.  If your Senator has already co-sponsored S.47, be sure to call or email and thank him or her.  Click here to view all co-sponsors of S.47 to date.

The goal is to get 60 co-sponsors by January 31st so that VAWA can be brought to the Senate floor for a bipartisan victory. The phones must keep ringing, starting right now!

Also on January 23, Representatives Gwen Moore (D-WI) and John Conyers (D-MI) introduced H.R. 11, a House companion identical to the bipartisan Senate bill.  ASIA calls on the House of Representatives to work together in a bipartisan effort to build on the momentum from the last Congress in order to reauthorize VAWA as a matter of priority.

For instructions on how to take action, including a script to use when calling your Senators, visit