ASIA’s West CAM after-school program in Lakewood City Schools, also known as the Asia Dream School are looking for volunteers this summer during June 16,2014 – July 25,2014.
The program will take place at Emerson Elementary School located at 13439 Clifton Boulevard, Lakewood, Ohio, 44107.
There is no prior experience necessary to volunteer. The program offers flexible scheduling, and fulfill your volunteer requirements. This is great experience for future teachers, social workers, and other educational specialists. The West-CAM Summer Program will offer volunteers and opportunity to work with students from different countries, all while learning about different cultures and languages.
The West-CAM Summer Program is a partnership between Asian Services In Action, Inc., Lakewood City School District, and Muskingum University. It is funded through the Alcohol,Drug, and Mental Health Services Board of Cuyahoga County. The Community Adult Mentoring Program is a substance abuse prevention program for youth in grades K through 12. This program provides peer and adult mentoring to Asian/Pacific Islander children in Cuyahoga County. Activities include tutoring and homework assistance, prevention education, problem identification and referral services, and other alternative activities.
For more information, or to register for training orientation, please contact Kitty Leung at 216-881-0330 (ext. 102) or
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