This week, on May 12, the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders hosted the first-ever White House Summit on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Washington, DC. Nearly 2,000 community members, federal officials, and guests from over 40 states and the Pacific Islands came together to connect with one other, share their experiences and stories, and gain tools to mobilize their communities to continue expanding opportunity for AAPIs everywhere.
ASIA sent staffers from the Self-Sufficency Department; Community Health, Evaluation, and Research Institute; and Policy, Adocacy and Development Department.
This spirit of reflection and recommitment to action is the reason the Summit took place in May, which is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. The Summit and AAPI Heritage Month both illustrate the significance and accomplishments of the AAPI community, but also stress the importance of continuing to work towards improving the quality of life and opportunities for AAPIs and all Americans. Recognizing the important role of the federal government in serving AAPIs – now the fastest growing racial group in the country – six Cabinet Secretaries and multiple federal agency leaders joined the Summit and highlighted their work benefiting the AAPI community.