ASIA, Inc. Applauds Supreme Court Decision Blocking Citizenship Question on 2020 Census 

Media Contact: Kimlee Sureemee
216-881-0330 Ext. 8811

Press Release
For Immediate Release
June 27, 2019

ASIA, Inc. Applauds Supreme Court Decision Blocking Citizenship Question on 2020 Census 

Akron, OH – Today the U.S. Supreme Court announced that the citizenship question will not appear on the 2020 Census. For now, the district court’s decision to block the addition of the citizenship question remains in effect. This decision is a win for all residents in the United States and more specifically a victory for the communities served by ASIA, Inc., which include immigrants, refugees, and New Americans. These underrepresented and underserved populations deserve to be counted as integral threads in the fabric of our state and country.  ASIA, Inc. applauds the Supreme Court for its decision. 

“Today’s decision from the Supreme Court restores our collective trust in the role of judicial review to uphold the Constitution and prevent lawless imposition of executive power,” says ASIA. Inc. CEO Elaine Tso.

Chief Justice Robert’s 5-4 opinion upheld the lower court’s decision and questioned the rationale for the Trump administration’s actions. The addition of a citizenship question to the 2020 Census posed severe threats to an accurate and complete count of all residents, especially hard-to-count communities, in Ohio and across the United States. An under-count would have resulted in a lack of federal funding and political representation. 
