Today, ASIA, Inc., and members of the Ohio Fair Elections Network (OFEN) submitted a joint testimony for the Ohio House Government Accountability and Oversight Committee regarding online voter registration, proposed law SB63.
Online voter registration (OVR) is a key component in a fair, secure, effective election system. This proposed law would allow an eligible Ohio voter to use her Ohio driver’s license number or Ohio ID card number to submit a voter registration application through an online portal.
Secretary of State Jon Husted urged lawmakers Tuesday to move quickly on legislation enabling online voter registration, telling a panel in the Ohio House that law changes should be passed by next month to allow time to implement the new system.
“It’s time to get this done,” he said, adding later, “It saves money. It’s more secure. It’s easier for voters to go through the process of registering. It’s supported by county boards of elections, Democrats and Republicans. It’s supported by military organizations. … This is an issue that should easily have been accomplished, and now it’s time to get it done.”
Read OFEN’s testimony for the Ohio House Government Accountability and Oversight Committee here.